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Grape Ape - Great Vibez Only
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Grape Ape



New product

Grape Ape High Hemp Wraps

2 Wraps & 2 Tips Per Pouch

In stock

Data sheet

Compositions Organic Hemp
Taste Flavored
Pack Size 2 Pack
Nicotine Nicotine Free
Tobacco Tobacco Free
Lifestyle Vegan
Added CBD

More info

High Hemp Grapeape is the third flavor they created with their beliefs of everything natural and organic. In creating Grapeape they mix an array of different types of grapes; like Candice, Autumn Royale, and Concord. This fusion of grapes creates the unique flavor of Grapeape. 

Try All Flavors

  • Organic
  • Honey Pot
  • Maui Mango
  • Grape Ape
  • Hydro Lemonade
  • Blazing Cherry

Here is How To Roll High Hemp Wraps

Here Are Reviews of High Hemp Wraps

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